Md. Emdadul Haque
MSc. in Civil Engineering (Geotechnical Engineering)
(Chongqing University, China)
BSc. in Civil Engineering (IUBAT)
Room# 713 | Ext# 432
E-mail: emdadul.civil@iubat.edu
Md. Emdadul Haque is a Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering at IUBAT— International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka. He received his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from IUBAT in 2018. After graduating, he received Chinese government scholarship from the China Scholarship Council to complete his Maters in 2019. In 2021, he joined European University of Bangladesh as a Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering. He then joined IUBAT in 2022 as a Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering.
Md. Emdadul Haque has published over 5 peer-reviewed papers in prestigious international journals (SCI, EI, and Scopus) and conference proceedings. His research interests are in the field of Landslide, Soil Mechanics, Consolidation Settlement and so on under the area of Civil Engineering. He is an associate member of The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB).
MSc. in Civil Engineering
Chongqing University, China
Major: Geotechnical Engineering
Result: 81.2% Marks
Passing Year: September, 2022
BSc. in Civil Engineering
IUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka
CGPA: 3.94 out of 4
Passing Year: 2018
Higher Secondary Certificate
Sirajganj Government College, Sirajganj
GPA: 5 out of 5
Passing Year: 2014
Secondary School Certificate
Sirajganj Government B. L. High School, Sirajganj
GPA: 5 out of 5
Passing Year: 2012
CEN 341: Geotechnical Engineering I
CEN 342: Geotechnical Engineering I Lab
CEN 231: Engineering Mechanics
1. Haiqing Yang, Md. Emdadul Haque, and Kanglei Song. “Experimental study on the effects of physical conditions on the interaction between debris flow and baffles”. Physics of Fluids, 2021. (SCI)
2. Bolong Liu, Haiqing Yang, Emdadul Haque and Guilin Wang. “Effect of Joint Orientation on the Breakage Behavior of Jointed Rock Mass Loaded by Disc Cutters”. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021. (Scopus)
3. Yu Zhao, Yongfa Zhang, Haiqing Yang, Xin Tian, Haque Md. Emdadul, and Faouziatou Mouhamadou. “Assessment of Red Bed Groundwater in the Jinqu Basin, Southeastern China: Its Enrichment Regularity and Emergency Exploitation Potential”. Natural Resources Research, 2020. (Scopus).
4. Shanjida Haque Dola, Jobaer Ahmed Saju, Md. Emdadul Haque, Joy Podder, S. Setu, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, N. J. Shila, Md. Nuhu Alam, and Bidyut Datta. “Trajectory Analysis of Air Pollutants from February 2020 to January 2022 at A University Campus”, Proceedings of the Waste Safe 2023 – 8th International Conference on Integrated Solid Waste and Faecal Sludge Management, Page: 106, ISBN: 978-984-35-4034-8, 2023.
5. Sayma Sathi, Jobaer Ahmed Saju, Md. Asif Ahmed, Joy Podder, Abdullah All Noman, Md. Emdadul Haque, Md. Abul Kalam Azad, and Bidyut Datta. “Effects of Meteorological Parameters on Primary Air Pollutants: Case Study at Dhaka (CAMS-3, Darus-Salam)”. Proceedings of the Waste Safe 2023 – 8th International Conference on Integrated Solid Waste and Faecal Sludge Management, Page: 106, ISBN: 978-984-35-4034-8, 2023.
1. Chinese Government Scholarship 2019, sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC).
2. 3rd position with most Distinctive in World Expo of Chongqing University International Culture Festival 2019.
3. Academic Excellent Award (Fall 2016 and Spring 2018) at International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.
4. Merit Scholarship 2015 (100% tuition fees waiver) at International University of Business Agriculture and Technology.
5. Merit Scholarship 2013 sponsored by Education Board Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
6. First placed of Faber – Castell National Art Competition 2005 – 2006 in group – B in first round.
Successfully completed professional certificate course on Computer Aided Civil Design (CACD) conducted from May 06 to August 09, 2018, organized by Technical Training Unit of IUBAT―International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka.