Dr. M. Shamim Miah
Associate Professor
PhD, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland
MSc, Kunsan National University, South Korea
BSc, University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh
Room # 817 Ext # 813
E-mail: mmshamim@iubat.edu
Dr. M. Shamim Miah is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dr. Miah joined IUBAT since November 2019.
Dr. Miah studied Structural Engineering at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich), Zurich, Switzerland and he has been awarded Doctoral Degree in 2015 for his thesis entitled “Semi-active Control for Magnetorheological Dampers via Coupling of System Identification Methods”. In his PhD, he proposed a scheme (namely, LQR-UKF) that can be implemented for real-time vibration mitigation and control. The aforementioned approach has the possibility of real-time model updating (e.g.
state and system parameters) when the model is uncertain. The proposed scheme has validated by performing experimental tests.
Before joining ETH Zurich, he received his Master Degree from Kunsan National University, Kunsan, South Korea. In addition, he earned his Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering degree from University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Prior to joining IUBAT, Dr. Miah worked as Visiting Scientist at Technische Universität Dresden – TU Dresden, Germany and as Assistant Professor at University of Asia Pacific (UAP), Bangladesh.
Furthermore, Mr. Miah worked as Scientific Assistant at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich), Switzerland and Research Assistant at Kunsan National University, South Korea.
Moreover, he worked as Structural Design Engineer at Synthesis Architects, Bangladesh.
Dr. Miah has been awarded several international scholarships/fellowships/prestigious grands: such as Open Topic Fellowship/Visiting Scientist Position at TU Dresden, Germany, ISMA Student Fellowship EC FP7, Leuven, Belgium, FIT4 Campus Project in ETH Zurich, Switzerland, South Korean Government Scholarship Brain Korea 21 to pursue Master’s degree, Academic Excellence Scholarship during graduate studies at Kunsan National University. He was also nominated Outstanding Graduate of Fall 2006 and
Outstanding Student for Fall 2005 and Fall 2006 during his stay at UAP.
Dr. Miah’s main research interest is in the area of Structural Engineering; research focuses on Structural
Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health Monitoring, Smart Materials & Structures, System Identification, Vibration Mitigation and Control, Structural Analysis and Design, Structural
Materials, Optimization, Numerical Modeling.
Dr. Miah has published more than 45 papers in various peer-reviewed journals, international/national conferences proceedings and book chapters. Concisely, his works have published in the journal of Engineering Structures, Magazine of Civil Engineering, Smart Materials and Structures, Structural Control and Health Monitoring. Furthermore, he has presented his research work at various international
peer-reviewed conferences across the world (e.g., USA, Scotland (UK), Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, South Korea, Thailand, Belgium, South Africa, Spain, Malaysia and Bangladesh). Mr. Miah has received best paper awards in different scientific events from Hungary, South Korea and Malaysia. Dr. Miah has travelled more than 25 countries so far.
Mr. Miah is a Member of the Institute of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB), Bangladesh, American Concrete Institute (ACI), USA and Member of International Association for Engineers, Hong Kong.